About our network
Short history
The idea to establish the sub-regional network of Red Cross young volunteers was appeared during European Co-operation Meeting in 2003. Then it turned into reality in 2005 at Regional Youth Forum in Minsk. To foster co-operation the Regional Co-ordination Council (RCC) was elected by young leaders from three National Societies of the sub-region.
The Regional Co-ordination Council
RCC is consisted of 3 representatives from each participating National Society making up nine in total. Usually RCC serves during one year between Regional Youth Forums. The first RCC was established in February 2006 in Minsk, the second and current one was elected in November of the same year in Kiev.
More about RCC you can find here.
The Regional Youth Forum
Regional Youth Forum is a place for informational exchange and best practice sharing among young volunteer leaders from the region. But we always welcome guests from abroad representatives from International Federation of RCRC, International Committee of RC as well as from Danish, Italian, Russian, Turkmenistan and Latvian National Societies already took part in three past forums.
More about previous Forum you can find here.
Coming soon
Next Regional Youth Forum will be held on November 24-25th in Minsk with support from International Federation of RCRC and Danish RC. Youth contribution to local communities development will be the main theme of presentations and discussions during the event. As expected the experience presented helps develop new initiatives and joint campaigns for 2008.
More about this Forum you can find here.
We appreciate any comments or suggestions from you and with pleasure will provide additional information upon request. Please, contact us via e-mail.
Further reading about events in the region (from IFRC web site):
Set an example and pass the test: encouraging HIV-testing among youth in Ukraine (December, 2007)
New Year for everyone in Belarus (January, 2007)
Seven principles in seven posters (October, 2007)
Kazantip: HIV prevention on the move (September, 2006)
Changing attitudes through posters (July, 2006)
Schoolchildren and youngsters join Red Cross HIV anti-stigma campaign in Ukraine (April, 2006)
Eurasian youth meeting in Yerevan (March, 2006)
Second Regional Youth Forum of BMU Network (November, 2005)
Help! I need somebody! - Red Cross trains first aid live on Ukrainian Music Channel (October, 2005)
Non-stop volunteering during the Eurovision Song Contest (May, 2005)
A step to the future: development of regional youth cooperation in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine (January, 2005)
The defenders of Sevastopol (November, 2004)